© 2021 Bahmatova M.N.

2021 – № 1 (21)

Citation link:

Bahmatova M.N. (2021) Reprodukcija v kontekste mirovyh religij (interdisciplinarnaja nauchnaja konferencija) [Reproduction in the Context of World Religions (an Interdisciplinary Academic Conference)], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 1 (21).

Author info:

Marina Bakhmatova, Cand. Hist. Sc., Ph. D., is an Associate Professor at the Ethnology Department of the Historical Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Keywords: reproduction, assisted reproductive technology (ART), world religions, bioethics, medical anthropology, embryo, surrogacy, gamete, zygote, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), abortion, motherhood, fatherhood, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

Abstract. This article reviews the interdisciplinary academic conference Reproduction in the Context of World Religions: Anthropological and Bioethical Aspects, held on February 4, 2021, by the Center for Medical Anthropology, Mikluho-Maklai Institute. Summaries of the presentations are discussed, as well as the round-table Religious Institutions and the Problems of Choosing Reproductive Technologies. The forum touched upon a wide range of problems of reproductive practices and religious bioethics. Comparison of the positions of various religious systems showed that the attitudes to assisted reproduction within the world religions’ are most ambivalent. In Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, there are considerable variations in regards to surrogacy, the use of donor’s gametes, adoption, IVF, the embryo’s status, etc. Research of the nature of these problems seems most relevant today, in a multi-confessional country like Russia.


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