© 2020 Safonicheva O.G.

2020 — № 2 (20)

For citations:

Safonicheva O.G. (2020) Prepodavanie tradicionnoj mediciny v medicinskih universitetah Rossijskoj Federacii [Teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine in Russian Medical Universities]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2(20).

About the author: Olga Georgievna Safonicheva, Dr. Hist. Sc., is a Professor of the Chair for Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation at the Sklifosovsky Institute for Clinical Medicine.

E-mail: safonicheva.o@mail.ru

Keywords: acupuncture, cauterization, channels, traditional Chinese medicine, philosophy, reflexotherapy, registry of medical and pharmaceutical professions, educational standard, Ayurveda, “4P” medicine, master’s program “Personalized Health Management and Active Longevity”, Atlas of New Professions

Abstract. The article presents a historical review of Zhen Jiu therapy in China and Russia, provides a description of reflexotherapy as a medical profession, which has its independent status assigned by the Russian Health Ministry’s order of 10.12.1997 on the list of doctoral and pharmacist professions. The article points out the specifics of teaching reflexotherapy at medical colleges of Russia, in various forms such as additional training courses. The author discusses the cross-cultural difficulties which doctors face during professional retraining and learning the new philosophical foundations, notions, diagnostic approaches, and principles of writing recipes. The text pays attention to teaching Ayurveda at the Institute for Eastern Medicine (IEM) of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship, which has been holding basic certified courses for doctors since 2014, as well as additional educational courses for a wider audience. The article demonstrates that one could draw parallels between the modern Western “4P” medicine (predictive, personalized, preventive, and participatory), which took shape after human genome was deciphered, and Ayurvedic medicine: Ayurveda has a personalized approach implying evaluation of physical constitution to establish the illness’ original cause, early diagnostics, prevention, and healing. The article also characterizes the international pilot MA program 32.04.01, “Public Health Care” (“Personalized Health Management and Active Longevity” profile), which was launched by Sechenov Medical University in 2018. The MA program is represented by three basic blocks; it includes modules on best global active longevity practices, including TCM and Ayurvedic concepts. In summary, training programs for experts in traditional medicines are being introduced at universities across Russia; they are taught at departments for additional professional training; they intertwined with programs for disease prevention, healing, and medical rehabilitation; they are also included as separate modules in the new “Personalized Medicine” or “Physical and Rehabilitative Medicines” programs.


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