© 2020 Maldonado Repetto A., Root T. V.

2020 – № 2 (20)

Citation link:

Maldonado Repetto A., Root T. V. (2020). Pandemija COVID-19 na Jukatane: strategii bor’by i ih realizacii [COVID-19 Pandemic in Yukatan: Battling Strategies and Their Implementations]. Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], 2 (20)

Authors info:

Adrian Maldonado Repetto, PhD and Professor, is a Deputy Director of the Knorozov Center for Mayan Studies in Merida (Yukotan, Mexico).

E-mail: adrianmaldonadorepetto@hotmail

Tatyana Vladimirovna Root is a post-graduate student and methodologist  at the Knorozov Research Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).


Keywords: COVID-19, measures to prevent infection spread, state programs, disease statistics, vaccination, indigenous population

Abstract. The article discusses the changes in the lives of people in the Mexican state of Yukotan caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The text uses information on state structures utilized in development of strategies and protocols; it tells about ratified legal acts. It also describes how strategies have changed across the world while the disease spread; what sanctions were introduced by governments to keep public order and reduce the pace of spread of the infection. The authors mention the methods used in Mexico to reveal the infected people, about the Epidemical Traffic Lights monitoring system; they evaluate the readiness of health care system to emergencies. The article also discusses mechanisms to medically inform the population; the article discusses the population’s attitudes to COVID-19 and the government’s action to battle pandemic, including the attitudes in Mayan communities. The materials are accompanied by examples from the government’s actions to support the citizens who suffered from companies’ closures, and other quarantine measures.


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