© 2015 Dmitry Viktorovich MIKHEL

2015 – №2 (10)

Из интервью для Радиус? ?????? 2010 03 06Key words: medical anthropology, disease, health care systems, explanatory models, biomedical culture, suffering, social experience.

Abstract: The emergence of medical anthropology in the last quarter of the twentieth century is closely linked to the name of Arthur Kleinman. The American researcher formulated the main problems of the new discipline and in many ways created its scientific language. The article analyzes his works devoted to understanding disease as a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon, biomedicine as a unique socio-cultural system and human suffering as a special form of social experience.


* The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation. Project name: “Individual Experience of Illness and Suffering in the Context of Socio-Cultural Transformations: Philosophical Problems of Medical Anthropological Research” (grant No. 15-03-00348).


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