© 2015 Zasukhina V.N.

2015 – №1 (9)

Abstract: Sociocultural reality of Russia in the XIX century formed a special type of a humanist doctor that is almost classical in terms of universal morality and medical ethics. Justifying this statement, the author refers to the life and professional activities of Russian doctors, such as M. Ya. Mudrov, F.P. Haass, N.I. Pirogov, V.A. Manassein, V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, V.A. Kashevarova-Rudneva, E.P. Serebrenicova. The biographical method used in the article allows to demonstrate as clearly as possible that in the Russian medicine of the nineteenth century, ideals and principles put forward in antiquity (at least since Hippocrates), were articulated and functioned as moral guidelines for people who chose the profession of a doctor for themselves.

Key words: national image of medicine, historical memory of people, humanist doctor, medical ethics, morality, humanization of medicine, the social functions of medicine, the “female element” in medicine, the image of a doctor in Russian literature, biographical method


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